Ash Dieback Surrey

Ash Dieback in Surrey

DG Trees Arboriculture

Ash Dieback is an escalating threat to the ash trees across the UK, including Surrey. This devastating disease, caused by the airborne fungus Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus of East Asian origin, affects young, semi-mature, and mature ash trees, leading to their decline and death.

Our team has extensive experience across the UK, gaining valuable local insight while working throughout the county and adjacent areas.

Understanding and Managing Ash Dieback

The spread of Ash Dieback can occur over wide areas, as the fungal spores are carried by the wind. These spores originate from decomposing leaves both on the ground and within the tree’s canopy. The spores are notably prevalent along major local roads such as the M25, M23, A217, A24, A25, A23, and A22, where the movement of vehicles generates winds that disperse the spores further. This has resulted in the significant infection of many local roadside ash trees. The ongoing removal of affected trees from these areas, as well as public parks and residential gardens, is an attempt to control the spread.

Identifying Symptoms of Ash Dieback

The disease manifests in several ways:

  • Canopy Dieback: This occurs from mid-to-late summer (July to September), when leaves and shoots blacken and wilt. The affected leaves eventually fall, leaving the canopy noticeably sparse.
  • Lesions: While most infected leaves fall off early, the fungus may progress into the twigs, branches, and even the trunk. This results in dark lesions on the bark, which can girdle branches or trunks, severing the flow of water and nutrients from the roots.

To combat the spread of Ash Dieback in Surrey, it is crucial to monitor your trees for these symptoms. If you observe any signs of infection, contact DG Trees immediately to arrange a complimentary tree inspection. We are dedicated to managing this disease and mitigating its impact on our local ecosystems.